Advancing precision medicine with animal free models for clinical research.

We envision a future of life-saving precision medicines and therapies modeled on actual human biology.

Clinical research and testing should begin and end with human biology.

Innovative methods using human tissues are more effective, reliable, and predictive for understanding and treating disease without causing harm to humans or animals. We are heralding a new era of precision medicine to extend the healthy human lifespan.

For the last century, drug development predominately used animal models. Thanks to advancements in public health, the average global life expectancy jumped from 47.3 years in 1900 to 72.98 years today.

We need the best scientific methods to find treatments for age-related disease like cancer. Yet the outdated animal model is still the standard in drug R&D despite biomedical innovations in alternative models.

Now, we have evidence-based methods for research and testing that are far superior for humans in extending healthy human life. Help us change the status quo.

Of Mice and Men

The Status Quo of Animal Models in Medical Research

Inherent challenges with animal models limit their effectiveness. We accelerate ethical models that actually work for human patients.

Many human diseases cannot be accurately reproduced in animals, driving a high 90% failure rate for new drug approval.



Animal results often do not predict a medicine’s impact on humans and do not prevent risks to humans in clinical trials.

Avg cost per drug developed is $1-3 billion, which is passed on to the consumer. More than 190 million animals are used globally.


We champion ethical drug and therapy development technologies to extend the healthy human lifespan.

Our milestone-driven development framework for Animal Free Precision Medicine (AFPM) will advance 3 goals:

Our Mission

the efficacy and efficiency of clinical research, drug and therapies development


need for animal testing in clinical trials and drug development in favor of human relevant models



considerable risk for patients in clinical trials to help facilitate optimal outcomes

The Animal Free Precision Medicine Roadmap

Get more technical with AFPM Competency Levels

In a major victory toward replacing animal models, the FDA Modernization Act was passed by US Congress.

Alliance for Animal Free Precision Medicine

Make a donation.

Champion Animal Free Precision Medicine by giving toward the open innovation challenge prize to be awarded to winning teams.